Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Club will be held at the Bulla Exhibition Centre, Uniting Lane, Bulla on Saturday, 7th May 2022, commencing at 9:30AM.
1. Apologies
2. To accept and confirm the Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting
3. To receive the President’s Report
4. To receive the Treasurer’s Report
5. Election of Office Bearers and Committee – see below
6. Election of Auditor
7. Determination of Honoraria
8. Presentation of awards for 2020 Show Champions and performance titles
9. General Business
** Any other general business must be received in writing by the Secretary by Friday, 8th April 2022**
In accordance with the Club’s constitution, all Office Bearers and Committee automatically retire at the Annual General Meeting but are eligible for re-election by re-nomination. A Nomination Form is included with this issue of the Chatter and is self-explanatory. Further nomination forms may be obtained from the Secretary or website should they be required.
Please Note: All nominations close with the Secretary on Friday, 2th April 2022 at 6.00pm.
Note: To be eligible to vote or stand for office at this Annual General Meeting, all persons must have been financial members of the Club prior to the 1st October 2021.
(This notice was originally published in the January / February 2022 Corgi Chatter)