2024 Show Trolley Raffle

Thw Welsh Corgi Club of Victoria is proud to release the schedules for the October 2022 shows. The Club will host the 19th Welsh Corgi National Championship Show [PDF] on Thursday 27th and Friday 28th October 2022. This will be followed by the Corgi Classic Show [PDF] on Saturday 29th October.
Both shows will be held in the same ring at KCC Park, Skye, so you can set-up once for the three days.
The Welsh Corgi Club of Victoria is pleased to announce our sponsor for the May Championship Show – A La Carte dog food. We thank them very much for their support!
Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Club will be held at the Bulla Exhibition Centre, Uniting Lane, Bulla on Saturday, 7th May 2022, commencing at 9:30AM.
1. Apologies
2. To accept and confirm the Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting
3. To receive the President’s Report
4. To receive the Treasurer’s Report
5. Election of Office Bearers and Committee – see below
6. Election of Auditor
7. Determination of Honoraria
8. Presentation of awards for 2020 Show Champions and performance titles
9. General Business
** Any other general business must be received in writing by the Secretary by Friday, 8th April 2022**
In accordance with the Club’s constitution, all Office Bearers and Committee automatically retire at the Annual General Meeting but are eligible for re-election by re-nomination. A Nomination Form is included with this issue of the Chatter and is self-explanatory. Further nomination forms may be obtained from the Secretary or website should they be required.
Please Note: All nominations close with the Secretary on Friday, 2th April 2022 at 6.00pm.
Note: To be eligible to vote or stand for office at this Annual General Meeting, all persons must have been financial members of the Club prior to the 1st October 2021.
(This notice was originally published in the January / February 2022 Corgi Chatter)
The Welsh Corgi Club of Victoria are proud to announce the 72nd Championship Show . This show will be held at the Dogs Victoria Bulla Exhibition Centre on Saturday, 7th May 2022. Our judge is Mr Ralph Zeeman with judging commencing at 11am.
Click through for the full Championship Show Schedule and for more information about our judge, Mr Zeeman.
This show is held in conjunction with our Annual General Meeting, we look forward to seeing you there.
The upcoming April 2021 Championship Show will be held under COVID conditions. The Event Plan is attached, please make sure that you are familiar with this before the event. A QR registration code will be available on the day.
Dogs Victoria have just issued the following guidance for holding shows in the current environment. The upcoming April 2021 Championship Show will be held in accordance with this guidance.
Originally, we treated a ring table as an item of shared equipment that had to be sanitised each time it was passed to or handled by different people. It was difficult. However, if it is not touched or handled by people it is not shared equipment. Therefore, with appropriate rules, a ring table simply becomes something for the dogs to stand on. These are those rules
Temporary shelters are umbrellas that are fixed to the ground and gazebos. To enable social distancing, we have in place rules for spacing and occupancy of temporary shelters. Fitting walls on a gazebo can change how many people it can hold.
When you enter a show or similar event through either Easy Dog or Show Manager you will record your name, vehicle registration number and the names of others traveling with you. If there is room after entries have been closed you may apply to the secretary to attend just to watch. Upon arrival all attendees must:
Handling in the ring includes short periods of close proximity between a judge and a handler, while the rest of the time people are well spaced for Covid safety. That means the mask is only required during close proximity and certainly not required while running a dog. Therefore:
Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Club will be held at the Bulla Exhibition Centre, Uniting Lane, Bulla on Saturday 10th April, 2021, commencing at 9:30AM.
1. Apologies
2. To accept and confirm the Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting
3. To receive the President’s Report
4. To receive the Treasurer’s Report
5. Election of Office Bearers and Committee – see below
6. Election of Auditor
7. Determination of Honoraria
8. Presentation of awards for 2020 Show Champions and performance titles
9. General Business
** Any other general business must be received in writing by the Secretary by Friday, 19th March 2021**
In accordance with the Club’s constitution, all Office Bearers and Committee automatically retire at the Annual General Meeting but are eligible for re-election by re-nomination. A Nomination Form is included with this issue of the Chatter and is self-explanatory. Further nomination forms may be obtained from the Secretary or website should they be required.
Please Note: All nominations close with the Secretary on Friday, 19th March 2021 at 6.00pm.
Note: To be eligible to vote or stand for office at this Annual General Meeting, all persons must have been financial members of the Club prior to the 1st October 2020.
(This notice was originally published in the January / February 2021 Corgi Chatter)
The Welsh Corgi Club of Victoria is happy to announce their 71st Championship Show. The show will be held on Saturday, 10th April 2021 at the Bulla Exhibition Centre.
Click through for the full Championship Show schedule.
This show is held in conjunction with our Annual General Meeting, we look forward to seeing you there.
Due to Victorian COVID regulations the Club is unable to provide catering.
Thank you to everyone who entered I have really enjoyed seeing all of your wonderful Corgis, and what an amazing showing we have had from both breeds. Congratulations to all of our winners and place-getters. The response that we have had to this competition has been outstanding with over 160 photos submitted, with some coming in from as far away as the UK.
To see all of the photos head over to the 2020 Novelty Show Gallery. If you click on the thumbnails below they will appear full-sized.
Check out the rest of the competition in the Best Friend category in the Gallery
Check out the rest of the competition in the Best Action Shot category in the Gallery
Check out the rest of the competition in the Cutest Puppy category in the Gallery
Check out the rest of the competition in the Grubbiest Corgi category in the Gallery
Check out the rest of the competition in the Best Smile category in the Gallery
Check out the rest of the competition in the Longest Tongue category in the Gallery
Check out the rest of the competition in the Most Relaxed Corgi category in the Gallery
Check out the rest of the competition in the Fancy Dress category in the Gallery
Check out the rest of the competition in the Most Glamorous Fluffy category in the Gallery
Check out the rest of the competition in the Stylish Mask Wearing category in the Gallery