2022 Annual General Meeting

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Club will be held at the Bulla Exhibition Centre, Uniting Lane, Bulla on Saturday, 7th May 2022, commencing at 9:30AM.

1. Apologies
2. To accept and confirm the Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting
3. To receive the President’s Report
4. To receive the Treasurer’s Report
5. Election of Office Bearers and Committee – see below
6. Election of Auditor
7. Determination of Honoraria
8. Presentation of awards for 2020 Show Champions and performance titles
9. General Business

** Any other general business must be received in writing by the Secretary by Friday, 8th April 2022**
In accordance with the Club’s constitution, all Office Bearers and Committee automatically retire at the Annual General Meeting but are eligible for re-election by re-nomination. A Nomination Form is included with this issue of the Chatter and is self-explanatory. Further nomination forms may be obtained from the Secretary or website should they be required.
Please Note: All nominations close with the Secretary on Friday, 2th April 2022 at 6.00pm.
Note: To be eligible to vote or stand for office at this Annual General Meeting, all persons must have been financial members of the Club prior to the 1st October 2021.

(This notice was originally published in the January / February 2022 Corgi Chatter)

2020 Annual General Meeting Update

The May / June Chatter included details of the upcoming Annual General Meeting on Saturday, 18th July, 2020. It was the intention of the Committee to hold the AGM in person. With the recent changes in social isolating requirements in Victoria this is no longer possible.

As an alternative we will be holding this AGM in a “virtual” environment as allowed by our rules of incorporation (rule 35 – Use of technology). While it is unfortunate that this is occurring at short notice and this is the first time that this has happened I’m sure that you will agree that these are unusual times!

The Welsh Corgi Club of Victoria will still hold the meeting on Saturday 18th July, at 11am by Zoom (https://zoom.us/). To obtain access details of the meeting please contact Mike Cronin – (03 9700 2323). Zoom is an online video conferencing facility with apps available for Android and Apple devices as well as for Windows.

2019 Annual General Meeting

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Club will be held in the Classic Room at KCC Park, 655 Westernport Hwy, Skye 3977 on Saturday 18th May, 2019, commencing at 9:00AM.

1. Apologies
2. To accept and confirm the Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting
3. To receive the President’s Report
4. To receive the Treasurer’s Report
5. Election of Office Bearers and Committee – see below
6. Election of Auditor
7. Determination of Honoraria
8. Presentation of awards for 2018 Show Champions and performance titles
9. General Business

** Any other general business must be received in writing by the Secretary by Friday, 19th April 2019**
In accordance with the Club’s constitution, all Office Bearers and Committee automatically retire at the Annual General Meeting but are eligible for re-election by re-nomination. A Nomination Form is included with this issue of the Chatter and is self-explanatory. Further nomination forms may be obtained from the Secretary or website should they be required.
Please Note: All nominations close with the Secretary on Friday, 19th April 2019 at 6.00pm.
Note: To be eligible to vote or stand for office at this Annual General Meeting, all persons must have been financial members of the Club prior to the 1st October 2018.

(This notice was originally published in the January / February 2019 Corgi Chatter)

Notice of 2014 Annual General Meeting

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Club will be held
at KCC Park, Westernport Highway, Skye on Saturday 24th May, 2014, commencing at 9:30am.

Open Show and Obedience Trial:

For the first time in a number of years the AGM will not be held in conjunction with the Open Show and Obedience Trial. The Committee has decided that due to the dwindling number of entries for the Open Show it is worth trying to hold the Open Show at the same time as the DogsVictoria “Big Day Out for Dog”. Details of the 2014 Open Show will be included in a future Chatter as the details are finalised.

Business: Continue reading

2013 Annual General Meeting, Open Show & Restricted Obedience Trial

The 2013 Annual General Meeting will held on Saturday, 27th April 2013.  The AGM will be held in conjunction with the Open Show and Restricted Obedience Trial; entries close on Friday 12th April. A Members Competition will also be held on the same day with entries taken on the day. Mr Alistair Henderson is judging the Open Show, Mr Fred Brueckner is judging the Obedience Trial, and Ms Sally Stasytis is judging the Members Competition.

We look forward to seeing as many members as possible there.

Please note any General Business items and Nomination Forms should be forwarded to the Secretary by Friday, 5th April 2013.

Open Show & Trial Schedule and Nominations Form in PDF format.