- The best smile
- The longest tongue
- Dog wearing a mask with ‘style’
- Most glamorous Fluffy
- Fancy Dress
- The Grubbiest Corgi
- Best Action Shot
- Best Friends (human or animal)
- Most relaxed dog
- Cutest Puppy
Entry Detail:
Go to https://corgiclubvic.org.au/
Select 2020 Novelty Show
Click on the category you would like to enter.
Entry fees: $5 / dog / class – Payment through PayPal
Entries Close: 11.59pm Friday 27th November 2020

Results Published: Online Friday 11th December 2020
All photos will be able to be viewed on the WCC of Victoria webpage after judging is completed.
View at https://corgiclubvic.org.au/gallery/
1st in each class a rosette and a certificate
2nd and 3rd rosette and certificate
Rules and Information:
Open to Welsh Corgi Pembroke and Welsh Corgi Cardigans both living and those who have
crossed Rainbow Bridge.
Dogs may reside in any country.
All entries in any class must be owned by the entrant.
Dogs may be entered in multiple classes, but each class entry must have a different photo.
No people in photos except for the “Best Friends” category if applicable.
Judge’s decisions is final. This is a “Fun” Show.
2020 Virtual Novelty Show PDF Flyer
Welsh Corgi Club of Victoria Facebook page
Welsh Corgi Club of Victoria Online Shop
Corgi National Victoria 2021 Facebook Page